Today has already been so much better than yesterday mentally. After working out our legs until they pretty much turned into jelly at night... then waking up to a cancelled HIIT class the next morning... my gym buddy Anna and I ended up just walking out the pain on the treadmill. Which really worked out for the benefit of my body in the end. I am figuring out the steps to create a better life and stable mindset which in return helps me in all facets of my life. I really love the thought about waking up and checking in with myself mentally and writing down my intentions. So these are my intentions that I will start incorporating into my daily routine.
I will wake up and do my best to create an amazing life for myself and embrace every change that happens along the way.
I will make sure to take into consideration the thoughts and opinions of others but make sure that I do not take on the negativity and aggressiveness of what others can portray… my opinions are my own and if they are proven wrong then that is ok… consider it a learning experience and appreciate it.
I will not live with regrets, again I will use them as learning experiences. Regrets are so negative I do not want to hold onto anything that creates a dark space in my life.
I will ensure that I stay true to myself first and foremost in any relationship, whether it be a friendship or a romantic relationship. I vow to myself to be whole in who I am and not try to “find my other half”. I want someone who will be a wonderful addition to my life… not to feel like I “need” someone to complete it for me to be whole.
I will be honest, open, and available to my family and friends. Being someone that others can trust and feel safe with is vital to me.
I will make sure that even though I help everyone that I can that I will make sure that I will not absorb their emotions and trials, I am too emotional of a person to take everyones feelings on. Listening without giving advice will be something I strive for, to be present and strong without taking other peoples problems on to try and fight myself. I want to supply them with the support they will need to help themselves.

These intentions are extremely important to me. I feel like when I start implementing them in my every day life I will begin to understand what my life purpose is. I still need to be gentle with myself and ensure that I understand that above all else I come first in my life. This will not be an easy road by any means. I mean I am trying to create a new life that puts my emotions, struggles, and insecurities in the forefront of my mind, and I will have to battle these demons every day. I am starting to focus on my life more and what I need to do to improve my health, physicality, mentality... everything. But just like I want to take care of others... I have to also take care of myself.
I love having the empathy to want to help others, and if I have the opportunity to help someone then that is a beautiful bonus. Being kind all around is my goal. Just like my mother was. I vow to live life in her light.